
March 9, 2025 (Sunday)

fourth day information

Distance and time limit:

51.3 km - 7 hours 4 minutes
A pace of 7:30 minutes/km until the 1st transition point
A pace of 8:10 minutes/km until the 2nd changeover point
A pace of 9:10 minutes/km until the finish of day 4


16.3 km – Balatonfüred-Balatonalmádi
19.9 km – Balatonalmádi-Balatonakarattya
15.1 km – Balatonakarattya-Siófok


Start: Balatonfüred, Vitorlás tér, Tagore promenade, 9:00, continuous start
Destination: Siófok, Hotel Magistern

Personal refreshment drop-off:

until 08:30

BIB number pick up:

until 8:45

Race Office Opening Hours:

Opening hours: Sunday 8:00-9:00

Browse our site maps and get familiar with the competition venue to ensure everything runs smoothly on the big day!

1st changeover place – 16.3 km
Balatonalmádi, Szent István promenade, in front of the entrance to Wesselényi beach
Approach: Coming from Káptalanfüred, in Balatonalmádi at the second railway crossing, turn right in front of the sports field, then left to the beach parking lot. 
Parking: in the Wesselényi beach parking lot 

2nd changeover place – 36.2 km
Balatonakarattya, the parking lot at the top of the Bercsényi slope
Approach: Driving on road 71, before the end of Balatonakarattya, turn right at the first exit of the roundabout
Parking: in the parking lot next to Napfény ABC

Siofok, Hotel Magistern
Approach: Coming from Siófok Szabadifürdő, turn right at Darnay Kálmán tér on road 7
Parking: In the parking spaces in front of the hotel or in the gravel parking lot opposite the hotel 

Fourth day's sections (March 9)


You didn't forget, did you? You can still register at a discount until midnight Thursday!

Be there between March 6-9 at Lake Balaton, run for 1, 2 or 4 days, individually or in a team!