
March 8, 2025 (Saturday)

third day information

Distance and time limit:

43.5 km - 5 hours 34 minutes
A pace of 7:10 minutes/km until the 1st changeover point
A pace of 7:40 minutes/km until the 2nd changeover point
A pace of 8:10 minutes/km until the 3rd day's finish


13.5 km – Badacsony-Révfülöp
17.3 km – Révfülöp-Fövenyes
12.7 km – Fövenyes-Balatonfüred


Start: Badacsony, parking lot next to the MOL fountain, 10:20 a.m., continuous start
Destination: Balatonfüred, Tagore Promenade

Personal refreshment drop-off:

until 09:50

BIB number pick up:

until 10:05

Race Office Opening Hours:

Opening hours: Saturday 8:00-10:20

Browse our site maps and get familiar with the competition venue to ensure everything runs smoothly on the big day!

1st changeover place – 13.5 km
Halász Street, Révfülöp
Approach: Coming from Badacsony, on Révfülöp after the train station, turn right at Bodonyi köz, cross the railway to Halász utca
Parking: after the railway continue to the right, after the diversion in a small dead end 

2nd changeover place – 30.8 km
Pöfenyes, Strand Street parking lot
Approach: Arriving from Révfülöp on road 71, upon reaching the tennis courts in front of Fövenyes, the runners turn right, the escort cars turn left onto a gravel road
Parking: turning left from Route 71 in the gravel area

Balatonfüred, Tagore Promenade
Approach: Coming from Tihany, turn right onto Zákonyi Ferenc utca, then continue to Vitorlás tér
Parking: in paid parking lots around Vitorlás tér

Third day's sections (March 8)


You didn't forget, did you? You can still register at a discount until midnight Thursday!

Be there between March 6-9 at Lake Balaton, run for 1, 2 or 4 days, individually or in a team!