
be the finisher!

BSZM Finisher 15 km

join and run with us

Join the last day of the BSZM, run on the shores of Lake Balaton and reach the finish line in Siófok!

In 2024, the 15-kilometer distance of the BSZM Run made its debut. We would like as many of you as possible to experience the life-changing experience of BSZM within the framework of completing a surmountable distance. So what do you say if we say: "Run to the goal of day 4 from Balatonakaratty to Siófok!" Part of the route runs along the shores of Lake Balaton, so you can admire the face of the lake waking up from its winter sleep while running, while experiencing the incomparable joy of completion.

What can we help you with?

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Daily routes (illustrated with a map)

route, maps and site plans

Browse our site maps and get familiar with the competition venue to ensure everything runs smoothly on the big day!

Balatonakarattya – Balatonvilágos – Siófok

The route was marked on the Balaton cycle path, it is the same as the 4th day 3 stage of the 15th Balaton Süpermarathon.

The 15 km route of the BSZM Entrance may change due to construction works around Lake Balaton and other factors!

entry, participation information

  • unique logoed technical running jersey
    (size chart can be found here)
    • sizes S-XXL are available in women's styles
    • XS-XXL sizes are available in men's styles
  • gifts from supporters
  • For all finishers unique medal
  • Update
  • Medical service on the route and at the finish (the phone number of the doctor is also indicated on the start numbers)
  • We will transfer the packages delivered at the start to the finish line
  • chip net timing
  • 21,26% VAT

Registration online:

On our online entry interface.

Appointment in person:

In advance

  • At BSI events, in the Information tent
  • On site at the competition center (if the number limit is not reached earlier)

If you register personally, you can pay in the following ways:

  • in cash
  • with a bank card
  • with OTP, MKB and K&H SZÉP cards

For other entry-related questions, please contact we are waiting for you at

There is no age limit in the BSZM Befutó 15 km event.

THE until February 1 in the case of submitted entries, the first name is automatically displayed on the start number, below the digit.

  • we can only waive this at the special request of the entrant
    • In the case of online entry, please enter the text "NEM KEREK" in the caption that appears on the start number.
  • it is possible for other inscriptions (e.g. nickname) to be placed on the start number instead of the first name, but no more than 16 characters long. 
  • This request must be indicated when submitting the entry.
  • Only those entrants who request this separately will have an inscription on their starting number, their first name will be automatically added to it!
  • Entrants who use their husband's name with the suffix "-né" please enter their first name
  • We are unable to display character images or emoticons.

Under the number on the start number, we leave room for the name to be written for later entrants.

The list of already registered participants, the start list here you find it.



Date of birthAgeMen; Women
Born after 2019.03.09.5 years old and youngerM5;W5
2016.03.10. – 2019.03.09.6-8 years oldM6;W6
2013.03.10. – 2016.03.09.9-11 years oldM9;W9
2009.03.10. – 2013.03.09.12-15 years oldM12;W12
2007.03.10. – 2009.03.09..16-17 years oldM16;W16
2005.03.10. – 2007.03.09.They are 18-19 years oldM18; W18
2000.03.10. – 2005.03.09.They are 20-24 years oldM20; W20
1995.03.10. – 2000.03.09.They are 25-29 years oldM25; W25
1990.03.10. – 1995.03.09.They are 30-34 years oldM30; W30
1985.03.10. – 1990.03.09..They are 35-39 years oldM35; W35
1980.03.10. – 1985.03.09.They are 40-44 years oldM40; W40
1975.03.10. – 1980.03.09.They are 45-49 years oldM45; W45
1970.03.10. – 1975.03.09.They are 50-54 years oldM50; W50
1965.03.10. – 1970.03.09.They are 55-59 years oldM55; W55
1960.03.10. – 1965.03.09.They are 60-64 years oldM60; W60
1955.03.10. – 1960.03.09.They are 65-69 years oldM65; W65
11950.03.10. – 1955.03.09.They are 70-74 years oldM70; W70
1945.03.10. – 1950.03.09.They are 75-79 years oldM75; W75
Born before 10.03.1945.They are 80 years old and olderM80; W80

Only those participants of the 15th Balaton Supermarathon who are not otherwise running on this day can take part in the BSZM Run-in 15 km with a separate entry!

  • The route was marked on the cycle path around Lake Balaton and on the low-traffic (usually cycle-friendly) roads of the settlements. Where this is justified by the route (e.g. at railway crossings), there will be separate civil guard/police insurance.
  • Where separate personal insurance is not justified, the participants must keep in mind the safe movement and the rules of the traffic police, paying attention to other road users.
  • Where passage is prohibited by a railway barrier with lights or security personnel on site, the time spent there will be credited.
  • For those starting out, we recommend that you take your mobile phone with you on the route.
  • Accompanying cyclists is not permitted at the race.

Event organizer: 

BSI Sport Kft.
1138 Budapest, Váci út 152.

  • All well-prepared runners who accept the conditions included in the competition announcement and comply with the competition regulations can start the race.
  • Due to the peculiarities of the route and the increased risk of accidents, competitors in wheelchairs and handbikes are not allowed to participate in the race!!!
  • A 10-minute time penalty may be given to a competitor who folds his start number and wears it in a way that is not clearly visible during the race.
  • A competitor may be disqualified who, despite repeated warnings, violates the rule regarding wearing the starting number, and who does not complete the entire distance of the race - designated by the organizers - or who fills in the entry form inaccurately or incompletely with data that does not correspond to reality, and the chip is not use as intended.
  • In the race, roller skating, cycling, running without a starting number, and running with dogs are prohibited.
  • Since the race is on a bicycle or bicycle-friendly road NOT closed to traffic, it is not recommended to wear headphones that dampen the noise of the outside world on both ears for the safety of the competitors.
    • During the competition, the bicycle and motorcycle organizers and, if necessary, the ambulances work in the field.
    • The earphone suppresses external noises, so the runner can obstruct the previous fellow runners and the organizers and medical team who are doing their work.
  • It is not possible to accompany cyclists or roller skates in this event!
  • We do not undertake to preserve value during the competition!
  • Any commercial and advertising activities at the event location may only be carried out with the prior permission of BSI, in an agreed form and manner.
  • For organizational reasons, BSI reserves the right to limit the number of participants and to close registration at any time.
  • BSI reserves the right to change the route and time.

On the day of the competition:

  • It's always worth paying attention to the race announcer!
    • Some things may change on the day of the competition, and this is the only way we can inform you.
    • In some cases, possible changes for the next day are also indicated upon arrival at the destination.
    • If we know about an important change in time, we also indicate it on our website.

Running Etiquette:

  • Arrive on time! – to avoid the nervousness of queuing in the competition center and changing rooms, to have time to meet friends you haven't seen in a long time, or to find new acquaintances and fellow runners.
  • Don't let a runner run past you who has not entered the race! It's not fair to those who paid to run.
  • If you are traveling with a couple of other runners, do not block the entire width of the road.
  • If you hear someone overtaking you, step aside as soon as possible and let them go.
  • We ask that you take care of cleanliness in the area of the competition center and on the route! Use the designated waste bins and do not litter!
  • Restoring the competition venue to its original condition is a very big task, thank you for helping our work with this!
  • We ask that the accompanying vehicles only wait in the designated place in accordance with the regulations of the KRESZ!

information for the day of the event

The timeline here you find it.

Date: March 9, 2025

The starting time, locations and route of the BSZM Run-in 15 km may change due to construction work around Lake Balaton and other factors!

Start – Balatonakarattya, parking lot at the top of the Bercsényi ramp
Finish – Siofok, Hotel Magistern

Start date: 10:30 a.m

The competition center is located in Balatonakaratty, in the parking lot at the top of the Bercsényi exit.

Opening hours: 9:00 - 10:15.

Entrants of the BSZM Befutó 15 km have the opportunity to use a transfer bus.

On the day of the race, the bus transports passengers from Siófok to the finish location, in front of the Hotel Magistern (Beszédes József sétány 72), to the start location.

The bus from Balatonakaratty does not go back to Siófok.

Buses leave at 8:30, departure at 8:45.

It will be possible to buy the bus ticket later, we will inform the participants about this.

Depending on the occupancy of the buses, it will be possible to buy tickets from the bus attendants on site

Getting back to the start from the finish line must be solved individually by each competitor.

  • At the BSI on March 3-4, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
  • On the spot, in the competition center
  • Balatonakarattyá, in the parking lot at the top of the Bercsényi exit
    • on March 9, between 9:00 and 10:15


  • Wear your race number on the front, please make sure it is always clearly visible and do not fold it! In case of irregular start numbering, you will receive a 10 minute time penalty! Make sure that your start number is attached correctly, you will find safety pins for this in the start package and at the entry desks.

We set up changing tents at the start. At the finish line, we will set up changing rooms in the Hotel Magistern.

We will transfer the packages of the runners to the finish line.

  • Package drop off between 9:00 and 10:15.

Package delivery:
at the start for the cloakroom buses no later than 15 minutes before the start. We can only return the delivered package at the destination.

Package pickup: at the finish in the cloakroom tents based on the starting number.

We will place mobile toilets at the start, at the refreshment stations and at the finish line.

  • at the start WATER ONLY
  • At 5.5 km in Balatonvilágos, Posta utca-Csók I. stny. corner, at the monument
  • At 10.6 km in Balatonszabadi at the Strand
  • in the goal WATER ONLY

The locations and route of the BSZM Run-in 15 km may change due to construction works around Lake Balaton and other factors!

BSZM Befutó 15 km runners at the tables marked with signs designed for VÁLTÓ at the Balaton Supermarathon they can update.

The planned range of refreshment stations:

  • water
  • iso drink
  • banana
  • glucose
  • magnesium effervescent tablet
  • calcium
  • paper handkerchief
  • Toilet paper
  • band aid

BSZM Befutó 15 km for starters There is NO POSSIBILITY to submit an individual refresher.

There is no leveling time on the 15 km of the BSZM Befutó.

In the future, we can introduce a number limit for the 15 km of the BSZM Run-in. When the limit is reached, the entry is automatically closed.

Timing is done with UHF chips glued to the back of the start number. 

To record successful individual times, please observe the following rules:

  • The start number must be worn visibly on the stomach/chest area throughout the race. (number plate belt allowed)
    • The start number must not be covered.
  • The chip on the back of the number should not be removed, folded or pierced with a safety pin.
  • Everyone should wear their own race number during the race.
  • After reaching the destination, please leave the measurement point as soon as possible.

1-3. ranked man and woman.

The results are announced based on the order of arrival at the finish line (gross time). The results list on the website (based on the net time) may also include a different ranking.

information after reaching the finish line

The results you can find it here.

The results are continuously updated on the website after arrival at the finish line.

Our photo selection after the event is a Balaton Supermarathon on our Facebook page and the Media library you can find it in the menu item.

Summary films and closing videos of the event here you find it.

reach the finish line

Run to the goal of day 4 from Balatonakaratty to Siófok!

reassuring answers

Frequently Asked Questions

We have grouped together your most frequently asked questions


You didn't forget, did you? You can still register at a discount until midnight Thursday!

Be there between March 6-9 at Lake Balaton, run for 1, 2 or 4 days, individually or in a team!